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Foods to Avoid if You Have Arthritis

New studies show that arthritis is closely connected with the dietary choices we make. Often people try to treat arthritis with ice packs, compression socks or knee braces. However often the better option would be to start making better dietary choices. Just this one choice can make a huge difference, and can end the condition all together.

Arthritis is not a term for one disease, rather an umbrella term encompassing several conditions that have joint pain and inflammation as its symptoms. The most common types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

The following questions are all valid, and we will answer them in this article:

  • Which foods aggravate arthritis?
  • Which foods to avoid if you have arthritis?
  • Which foods can you eat when you have arthritis?
  • Does alcohol make arthritis worse?


Which foods can you eat if you have arthritis?

Jordan Peterson has a very strict diet, mainly consisting of meat and vegetables. This is an extremely low carb diet, and the results cannot be questioned. He claims this diet cured the arthritis of his daughter.

You can read about his exact diet here:

Here is a link to his daughter’s diet, which includes more detailed explanations of why the diet works:

Basically all meats and green vegetables are allowed. Cut out all alcohol, sugars and grains. Also you might want to lower your salt intake.

Does alcohol make arthritis worse?

Well, the answer is a bit complicated. If you enjoy a glass of wine or a pint of beer with your dinner every once in a while, you might actually reduce the risks of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. But the emphasis is on every once in a while.

Studies have found that for women who drank between 5-10 grams of alcohol a day, there was a reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis. That means less than a glass of wine or half a pint of beer per day.

It is an important distinction that if you already suffer from arthritis, drinking is a big problem, and escalates the situation very rapidly. Not to mention that many medications prescribed for arthritis don’t go well together with alcohol.

Which foods aggravate arthritis?

Fried and processed foods

It should serve as no surprise that fried an processed foods are one of the worse when it comes to arthritis. Processed foods make the body’s natural immune system weaker. A 2009 study found that cutting out fried and artificial foods restore the body’s natural defence mechanisms against arthritis.

Another reason why fried foods are bad for arthritis is the amount of advanced glycation end products they release. These are toxins your body produces when breaking down heated, hot foods. These toxins increase the risk of inflammation. Reducing the amount of cooked, fried foods helps lower the risks of arthritis.


The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that processed sugars trigger the release of inflammatory messengers also referred to as cytokines.

Fructose is just as bad as glucose or other sugars. Fruits low in fructose such as lemons, kiwi and orange are the best foods when it comes to fighting arthritis.

A study found that high fructose cron syrup, and drinking sugary drinks is strongly linked with developing arthritis. A 2008 study found that drinking fizzy drinks significantly increases the buildup of uric acid in the joints.

While most types of arthritis are caused by the wear and tear of the joints, rheumatoid arthritis is caused mostly by a systemic malfunction of the immune system. This is how consuming too much sugar and the wrong types of food can cause arthritis even in people who don’t put any strain on their joints.

Speaking of corn syrup, and corn…Many baked snacks contain corn oil and other oils that are rich in omega-6 acids and other trans fats. These substances are found mostly in crisps and other treats that may satisfy your cravings, but have adverse affects when it comes to inflammation. A much better alternative is fish oil, or other natural sources of omega-3 acids. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and nuts are also excellent sources of the good kind of oils that don’t cause inflammation.


For some people dairy is also a cause of arthritis, however not for everybody. The proteins in dairy can cause rheumatoid arthritis. For people whom suffer from this type of arthritis switching to a more plant-based diet can solve most of their problems. Lentils, tofu, spinach and seeds can serve as a natural substitute and source for the same proteins, oils and fats mostly found in animal products.

Artificial preservatives and salt

Most foods found on the shelves of supermarkets contain extra preservatives and salt to prolong their shelf life. These can trigger an auto immune response.

Salt heightens blood pressure. This can also heighten the risks of arthritis. Avoid prepared meals, or microwaveable meals. Use whole foods instead, and cook for yourself as much as you can. This will lower your body’s levels of sodium, and help you deal with your arthritis better.


There are actually quite a few different food types when it comes to arthritis that only make the situation worse. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you might need to follow a very strict diet devoid of all sugars, processed foods, artificial preservatives and alcohol.