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Top Ten Natural and Medical Ways for Treating Varicose Veins

Varicose veins seem to be a symptom of modern life. We spend most of our days sitting down in our offices, and then go home to sit on the couch and watch tv. It is not a stretch to say, that the modern lifestyle is a lot less active than at any time in history.

Varicose veins are a symptom of poor blood circulation. The veins are responsible for transporting the blood from the extremities to the heart. The blood inside the veins lacks oxygen and nutrients. The sooner the blood can reach the heart, the sooner it can flow through the intestines again and reach the muscles full of nutrients and oxygen.

The veins have to fight against the force of gravity to pump the blood back to the heart. Needless to say, this tires out the veins. The small valves inside the veins stop working to full effect, and the walls loose their firmness. The blood pools up inside the loose veins. This causes the bulging blue and dark black veins inside the legs.

Varicose veins and spider veins are harmless in the beginning, but with time they can cause serious health problems. In extreme cases their treatment might require surgery. But don’t be afraid. There are a lot of natural and medical ways to prevent and get rid of varicose veins. Let’s go through the top ten ways to get rid of varicose veins.

A word of caution: It is wise to speak to your doctor before using any of the remedies and procedures below. A doctor can pinpoint the exact treatment you need, can find any risk factors that you need to pay attention to.

Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins

1. Lifestyle

Exercising is one of the best ways to avoid varicose veins.

Have you ever heard coaches say ‘the best defence is a good offence’? It applies not only in sports, but in health too. If you want to get rid of diseases, live a healthy lifestyle.

In case of preventing varicose veins, this means exercising regularly. The muscles have a natural pumping motion when working. They contract and loosen up, this motion helps the veins stay firm and pump the blood. Consult with your doctor, they can recommend an appropriate activity for your physical condition.

Pay attention to your diet. Being overweight puts a significant strain on your body, and on your heart. It takes a lot of energy to pump the blood all the fat tissue. All those extra pounds put unnecessary pressure on your veins.

A salty diet increases water retention, which causes increased blood pressure and swelling.

2. Clothing

Clothing has a crucial role to play in varicose vein prevention. Avoid too skinny, too tight clothes. I know you want everybody to see that you haven’t been skipping leg day in the gym, but wearing extra right jean is just going to make you miserable. Avoid high heels. As a general rule, avoid any clothing that feels too tight, or leave a mark on your skin. These cut off blood circulation instead of helping it.

3. Take naps with elevated legs

Give your veins a little bit of rest, and let the blood flow naturally from your legs to your heart. Lay down for fifteen minutes, and make a tower out of two-three pillows. Put your legs on them. Now the gravity works in favour of your veins instead of against them. Just fifteen minutes each day will be enough. Many people have used this technique, including former navy seal Jocko Willink.

4. Avoid sitting or standing

Avoid sitting in one place for hours. The same goes for standing. Teachers and truck drivers have to pay special attention to breaking their daily routines. Exercise a little bit. Walk around. Personally I set a pomodoro timer on my phone. This means I sit and work for 25 minutes before standing up and walking around. I go socialise for five minutes or have a glass of water. Here is a short video of exercises you can do at your desk to promote blood flow.

Here is another video with yoga exercises you can do at your desk. I am a big fan of yoga. We all know that it can get frustrating at the office, and giving ourselves just a little break to calm down can make a huge difference in our state.

5. Compression socks

What kind of compression website would we be, if we wouldn’t include compression socks on this list?! This is not simple self-promotion, since compression socks have been proven to get rid of varicose veins. They promote blood flow and help the veins get their job done.

If you want to read more about the best compression socks for varicose veins, check out this article. Compression stockings are just as effective.

6. Alternative medicine

Butcher’s broom is a natural remedy for varicose veins.

There are many remedies out there which supporters of alternative medicine claim to help with chronic venous insufficiency. My grandmother claims that eating grapes helps. Take it with a grain of salt but maybe there is something to it. I like grapes anyway, so if it helps with varicose veins, that is just a plus. Other plants that are supposed to help are: butcher’s broom, horse chestnut and sweet clover.

7. Sclerotherapy

This is one of the most common medical procedures dealing with varicose veins. The doctors inject a material that closes small and medium-sized varicose veins. These varicose veins fade away. The big positive of sclerotherapy is that it doesn’t require anaesthesia. It can be done quickly, and it is very effective. Some veins might need to be injected several times, but this can be done quickly in the doctor’s office.

8. Foam sclerotherapy

This is a newer treatment, used mainly for causing large veins. The vein is injected with a foamy substance that fills it up. As the blood no longer flows through the vein it slowly fades away.

8. Laser surgery

Laser surgery can be used to close off small spider veins and varicose veins. The doctor concentrates the light on one point, and send a strong ray onto the veins. This makes the vein fade away and disappear. This therapy is more and more popular, because no incisions or anaesthesia is needed.

9. Endoscopic surgery

This is the most invasive of all the procedures on this list. Doctors use it only in worst case scenarios. If all other techniques fail, and the patient is suffering from ulcers, this might be the way to go. This procedure is incredibly painful, it takes years of poor lifestyle choices and other failed treatment methods to get to this procedure. The doctor pushes a thin video camera through the vein, to find the places where the walls of the veins have lost their firmness. Then the doctor removes those areas manually.

Have you heard of any other treatments for chronic venous insufficiency? Share it in the comment section!